
Collaborate Using GitHub


  • Create repos with git init and git clone
  • Reviewing repos with git status
  • Using git log and git show to review past commits
  • Make commits with git add
  • Commit to repo with git commit
  • Branching, merging branches, and resolving merge conflicts
  • Undo git things:
    • git commit --amend to undo most recent commit or change wording of commit message
    • git reset

Remote Repositories

git is a local version control. GitHub is a service for hosting version control repos. GitHub allows sharing and collaberating with multiple people.

Topics to be covered:

  • git remote - Mangae remote repository
  • git push - Send changes to remote repo
  • git pull - Retrieve updates from remote repo

To view remote repos: git remote
This displays the shortname location of each repo available.

To view the full remote repo's path: git remote -v